AI & Automated inventory tracking - Part 2

In my Previous Blog, I covered how AI can make AIT more effective, some advantages of implementing AI, and discussed a few case studies on who has implemented the same. In this blog, I would like to discuss ways through which AI (Artificial Intelligence) can enable automated inventory tracking, a Few Use cases on the applicability, and discuss few tools which will enable the feature

Finny Chellakumar

10/26/20203 min read

AI Making AIT more effective.

In my Previous Blog I has covered how AI can make AIT more effective, some advantages of implementing AI and discussed few case studies on who has implemented the same. In this blog I would like to discuss ways through which AI (Artificial Intelligence) can enable automated inventory tracking

  1. Demand forecasting: AI can analyse historical sales data, market trends, and other factors to predict future demand for products, enabling retailers to optimize inventory levels and avoid overstocking or stockouts.

  1. Predictive maintenance: AI can analyse data from sensors and other sources to predict when equipment and machinery may fail, enabling retailers to schedule maintenance and repairs before a problem occurs.

  1. Image recognition: AI can analyse images of products to identify and track inventory levels, enabling retailers to monitor their inventory levels quickly and accurately.

  1. Natural language processing: AI can analyse customer feedback and other unstructured data sources to identify trends and insights that can inform inventory management decisions.

  1. Personalization: AI can analyse customer behaviour and preferences to personalize product recommendations and promotions, enabling retailers to optimize inventory levels and increase sales.

Overall, AI can provide retailers with advanced capabilities for automated inventory tracking, enabling them to optimize their inventory levels, reduce costs, and improve customer service.

AI Data models you should consider.

AI data models play a critical role in enabling retailers to leverage AI in their inventory management operations, few examples of AI data models that can help retailers improve their inventory management:

  1. Demand forecasting models: Demand forecasting models use AI algorithms to analyse historical sales data, market trends, and other factors to predict future demand for products. These models enable retailers to optimize inventory levels and prevent stockouts, which can help to reduce costs and improve customer satisfaction.

  2. Product categorization models: Product categorization models use AI algorithms to categorize products based on their attributes, such as size, colour, and style. These models enable retailers to track inventory levels at a more granular level, which can help to prevent overstocking and stockouts.

  3. Replenishment models: Replenishment models use AI algorithms to determine the optimal time to reorder products based on current inventory levels and demand forecasts. These models can help retailers to optimize inventory levels, reduce costs, and improve customer service.

  4. Sales forecasting models: Sales forecasting models use AI algorithms to predict future sales volumes based on historical data, market trends, and other factors. These models can help retailers to adjust inventory levels in real-time, improving efficiency and reducing the risk of overstocking and stockouts.

  5. Image recognition models: Image recognition models use AI algorithms to analyse images of products and identify inventory levels. These models can help retailers to monitor inventory levels, reducing the risk of overstocking and stockouts quickly and accurately.

AI data models are a critical component of effective inventory management, enabling retailers to leverage the power of AI to optimize inventory levels, reduce costs, and improve customer satisfaction.

While we discussed he Data models and some use cases around AI-based automated inventory tracking, we should also discuss about the tools which offer these services.

There are many tools and platforms available to support AI-based automated inventory tracking. Here are a few examples:

  1. Microsoft Azure: Microsoft Azure provides a suite of AI and machine learning tools that can be used to build customized inventory tracking solutions. These tools include Azure Machine Learning, Azure Cognitive Services, and Azure IoT Hub.

  2. Google Cloud Platform: Google Cloud Platform offers a range of AI and machine learning tools that can be used for inventory tracking, such as Google Cloud Vision, Google Cloud AI Platform, and Google Cloud IoT Core.

  3. IBM Watson: IBM Watson provides a range of AI tools that can be used to automate inventory tracking, including Watson Studio, Watson Assistant, and Watson IoT Platform.

  4. SAP Leonardo: SAP Leonardo is a suite of AI and machine learning tools that can be used for inventory tracking, such as SAP Predictive Analytics, SAP Intelligent Robotic Process Automation, and SAP Conversational AI.

  5. Amazon Web Services (AWS): AWS offers a range of AI and machine learning tools that can be used for inventory tracking, such as Amazon Sage Maker, Amazon Rekognition, and Amazon IoT.

  6. Smart Bins: SmartBins is an AI-powered inventory management platform that uses sensors and machine learning algorithms to track inventory levels in real-time, enabling retailers to optimize inventory levels and reduce costs.

There are many tools and platforms available to support AI-based automated inventory tracking, and you should choose the tools that best fit their specific needs and requirements.

Drop in your comment on whether you want me to do a detailed comparison of these tools so that you can make an informed decision on which tool to go for.